
Luther and Church History

For centuries, the church had claimed to be infallible and it was according to its own people and their army. Papal armies, at the time of the crusade wars, were sent to the Holy Land of Israel to kill off the Jews in order to replace them as God’s chosen people. Even more Christians were killed trying to protect the Jews to reclaim the Holy Land, as well as to stop the expansion of Muslim territories, including Israel. Pope Innocent III wiped out tens of thousands of Christians in search for unity, but they refused to take part in their practices. Christianity could not obtain its freedom from the wicked nature of kings and popes across Europe, so history began to be replaced by the early fathers, by recalling them as saints, such as St. Polycarp. Since his death was by a Roman emperor, they refer to him as a Catholic to say “we were the ones being persecuted by Rome.” They were not Roman Catholic but were canonized as saints of the church. Saints of this world are not the saint

Mystery Babylon Revealed

The woman of Babylon, clothed with purple and scar let, is defined to be a city that sits on a beast with seven heads and ten horns. Those seven heads represent seven mountains on which the city is built on. It is also described to be part of a worldwide religion? Some people suspect that the city is Mecca, the capital of Saudi Arabia and the center of the Islamic religion. Others believe that mystery Babylon is in America. And others believe that it's Jerusalem, where the Jews practice their religion, and since  it has violated itself from being the Holy City into a dwelling place of idolatry.  But  Jerusalem cannot be the woman riding the beast because it was not built on seven hills. The only city that was built on seven hills has to be Rome,  where the headquarters of Roman Catholicism is and the future of the revived Roman Empire.    Roman Catholicism was part of the roman government and now part of its return and it has been falsely declared as the first only true c